Registration Information

To Help Us Better Serve You, Please Provide Us Details About Your Business.

What areas do you need assistance with?  

Check all that apply.

The eXcelerate Business Development (EBD) program is both privately and publicly funded. Our public funding mandates that we track our business clients. The EBD program is supported by our municipal, educational, and business association partners who require measurement of our impact on the business community.

Any information received by EBDP and its partners from anyone requesting business assistance is strictly confidential. To facilitate this process, we have developed a registration form that allows us to gather the information necessary to validate our program. The reporting of this program is based on an aggregate format of its clients.

By participating in the EBD program, you will receive assistance and information at no cost to you, or at a significantly reduced rate.

Your feedback is essential in determining the value of our program and in identifying areas for future improvement. Again, all information gathered on this registration form and in this process is strictly confidential.
RegFox Event Registration Software